Pos3/5/FNB: Decimal is not showing 2 when i have set it 2

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

Why is the first item qty showing 1 but second item showing 1.05 with decimal?

Possible Reason :

You did not select the option display fixed decimal place.

Solution :

For POS5

1. Login POS Backend > Point Of Sales > Maintenance > Terminal Settings Maintenance

2. Select your optionID then click the Edit Button

3. Under Appearance Tab, tick the display fixed size decimal for quantity decimal. Then click OK save.

4. Perform speed sync from your terminal and relaunch POS frontend apps.

For Pos3

1. Login POS System > Go to More Function > Configuration Settings > Miscellaneous

At this Decimal part, you may tick the display fixed size decimal for quantity Decimal

2. After done, then click OK save. Relaunch POS Frontend apps.

By: SengHoong 20210824, Jacky 20210824, P210826 [000240]

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