Pos3/5/FNB: No Show Unit Price Column at Purchase

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I use remote HQ function to open purchase invoice(PI), goods received note(GRN), cash purchase, and etc... at my POS System. When I create a new Purchase Invoice, I found the Unit Price column missing. I have tried reset the layout & click column chooser to find back but it still doesn't show. Why?

Possible Reason :

It could be your access right have been removed.

Solution :

1. Login to Your POS BACKEND > General Maintenance > User Group Maintenance

2. Select your User Group ID then click the Edit Button

3. To quickly search the access right, we can use the search function. At the textbox key in ‘View Cost’ Access Right then click the Search button,

4. Enable the access right View Cost/Purchase Price then click the Save Button.

5. Perform speed sync from your terminal, you will able to see the Unit Price column at your purchase invoice now.

By: SengHoong 20210923, Jacky 20211022, P211025 [000001]

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