Pos3/5/FNB: Price decimal in barcode sticker

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

Why is the price showing so many decimals when preview barcode report? Any ways to solve it?

Possible Reason :

The data type of that field is indifferent.

Solution :

1. You must use calculated field represents price datatype for barcode report and to do so, go to More Function > Configuration Settings > Receipts > Design Receipts

Right click at the Main Data: Master and select Add Calculated Field

2. After added the Calculate Field, right click and select Edit Calculate Field

3. Select Expression field and click on the Ellipse button on the right with ‘‘…’’ and select Price Data Fields, then click OK to save.

4. At the field type column, you may select Decimal. Then click OK to save.

5. After done settings at the calculate fields, drag out the calculated field to your barcode report.

Select Format string and click on the Ellipse button on the right with ‘‘…’’

6. Select Number Category, Standard Type select n2 format. Then click OK to save.

7. So now when you preview your barcode report, your price will not be showing many decimals again.

After done design this new report format please import to HQ database

By: SengHoong 20210126, Jacky 20210223, P210225 [000001]

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