Pos3/5/FNB: When change Item Group, item Price also changed?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

When I re-assign the item group to an item, its price 1 to price 6 are auto refreshed or updated. Why?

Possible Reason :

Auto Calculate Multi Pricing in Item Maintenance is triggered. When this function is enabled, prices will be recalculated when there are changes in standard cost, item group or price 1.

Solution :

1. Yes. Go to Tools > Options

2. Click Stock > General Stock Setting 2 > untick Auto Calculate Multi Pricing in Item Maintenance > OK

3.Relogin AutoCount Back End & edit item group, the system will not auto update all the prices.

By: CK 20210608, Jacky 20210622, P210625 [000001]

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