Pos3/5/FNB: When perform synchronization, system will show error message "Column 'Modifier' not belongs to posdtl"?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

When perform synchronization, system will show error message "Column 'Modifier' not belongs to posdtl"?

Solution :

User upgraded pos version from POS 3 to POS 5, and the Posdtl table is missing Modifier column, so cause the synchronization interrupted.

1. Open Autocount POS Management Studio in Windows Start Menu, and login to the correct account book.

2. Go to Tools > SQL Query

3. Just copy and paste the following query onto SQL Query command and click Execute.

ALTER TABLE PosDtl ADD Modifier nvarchar(MAX) NULL

Note : only POS Backend account book need to run this query command.

By: Kee 20210814, Jacky 20210824, P210826 [000238]

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