Pos3/5/FNB: Why is there a Decimal value after Auto UOM Conversion

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

After created a transaction my stock balance shows a decimal value. Why (not integer balance)?

Solution :

This is because the UOM rate for conversion has resulted a decimal value after divided or converted.

Solution :

1.Login your POS Backend or Accounting > Stock > Stock Item Maintenance > find out Item > View > check all UOM & Rate

2.Now we know From & To UOM Rate, let’s calculate:


a. From Qty x From UOM Rate = Total Pcs

       2.00 x 5.00 = 10.00

b. Total Pcs / To UOM Rate = To Qty

       10.00 / 4.00 = 2.50

Means 2 units of SET5 can convert to 2.5 units of SET4

By: CK 20211108, Jacky 20211123, P211125 [000284]

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