Pos3/Pos5/FNB: : Send close counter report by email

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

Can the system send any notification for close counter report when cashier closed the terminal session. How to set?

Solution :

1. Login Pos Backend > Point Of Sale > Maintenance > Terminal Settings Maintenance

2. Click Edit button to edit your Option ID

3. Go to Settings Tab, you need to enable Use Own SMTP Server function.

Fill up all the email settings info, then click send test email check whether is successful or not > OK

4. If successful, you will receive test mail like below

5. After that, go to Point Of Sale > Maintenance > Terminal Maintenance

Edit your Terminal ID, enable the close counter notification and insert your email address to receive close counter email.

6. Click OK to save and then perform speed sync from your terminal.

You will receive close counter email when your cashier closes the terminal session.

By: SengHoong 20210510, Jacky 20210622, P210625 [000215]

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