Pos3/Pos5/FNB: How to edit the volume of auto synchronization transaction?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

Can I edit the volume of auto synchronization transaction per batch?

As my pc has low specification and bad connection, I couldn’t sync all 30000 transaction in one go and keep getting timeout message.

I need to breakdown the volume into several syncs.

Solution :

Yes you can.

For Pos 5 & F&B:

Go to Start menu, click on Database Configuration under AutoCount Pos 5.0 Folder

For F&B :...................................................For POS 5.0 :...............................

Alternatively you may find Database Configuration application at C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCount\FnB 5.0 and look for PosConfig

OR, C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCount\POS 5.0 and look for PosConfig

Click on Sync Configuration

Click on Tools

Click on File > Terminal Settings

You can change the value of Sync transaction by batch from 30000 to lower value e.g. 1000 or 100.

By: CK 20200921, Jacky 20201027, Peter 201028 [000112]

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