Pos3/Pos5/FNB: How to hide Unit Price on receipt when it is 0.00?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

How to hide the Unit Price when it is 0.00?

Solution :

For Pos 5 & F&B

1. Go to POS 5.0 Backend > Point of Sale > Maintenance > POS Option Maintenance

2. Select your Frontend Option > Edit

3. Go to Document Control 3 tab > empty the value of item 3. & 4. > OK

  • When Unit Price in Detail/Package Detail is zero, then display as = empty, you may consider to use F.O.C or others words.

4. Go to Frontend POS/F&B and perform speed sync.

Now the Unit Price will be blank when equal 0.00

By: CK 20200928, Jacky 20201027, Peter 201028 [000114]

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