Pos3/Pos5/FNB: How to import voucher no to Pos Backend?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I have created an Excel template of Voucher no. , how to import it to POS/F&B?

Answer :

Login POS 5.0 Backend > Point Of Sale > Maintenance > Voucher Maintenance

Click on New to create New Voucher ID, and click on Import tab.

Click on Load From File to select your file to import the Voucher No.

You may use Excel or Notepad to create Voucher No* for importing to backend

Voucher No: Max 20 character

Click on Validate to verify the Voucher No status. If all are ok, click on Import.

Then perform speed sync to your terminal.

By: SengHoong 20200913, Jacky 200922, Peter 200928 [000110]

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