Pos3/Pos5/FNB: POS How to check Microsoft SQL instance port number?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I want to open firewall port setting for AutoCount system, how can I know which port number is used by AutoCount?

Solution :

1st way is you can use AutoCount SQLUtility.exe to check

If normal store in AutoCount Full Setup CD > SQLUtility.exe

Click Run

Set instance > Check > TCP Port will find out (No. is 49802) > Open Microsoft Windows X Firewall ( if you need it help you open port in windows firewall)

Set instance:

Instance Name: A2006 this normal is use AutCount CD setup (is AutoCount System Default instance Name)

Instance Name: SQLExpress this normal is user manual setup (is Microsoft Default instance Name)

Other Instance Name Other if you have use owns instance name need change the Other name.

OK done set

2nd way is open Microsoft Configuration Manager

You need now what Microsoft SQL Server version you using.

Windows Start > Microsoft SQL Server 20XX > SQL Server Configuration Manager

If you can’t find this you can go to Windows Run/Search > key in the file name (slqservermanager11.msc)

More info for SQL Version & file name matching.( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/sql-server-configuration-manager?view=sql-server-ver15)

SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for A2006 > TCP/IP > IP Addresses > IPALL** (Port number Autoount using) > OK for close

TCP Dynamic Ports: this column port number is system auto provide it also will auto changing.

TCP Port: this column port number is human control & prefix only have someone to change it.

Now we get the AutoCount system port number we can doing open security system firewall port No..

By: CK 200917, Jacky 200922, Peter 200930 [000100]

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