Pos3/Pos5/FNB: Void & Refund Access Right

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

How to set access right to restrict cashier to void/refund transaction in POS/F&B system?

Solution :

POS3 :

1. Login Accounting > go to Point Of Sale > Maintenance > POS User Group Maintenance

2. Click to highlight Cashier group (or any relevant group), click on Edit.

3. Go to Transaction tab, uncheck the checkbox of Refund,

4. Go to Functions tab , uncheck the checkbox of Void Record. Then click OK to save

5. Then perform speed sync to your outlets.

When the cashier tries to Void or Refund, supervisor’s password is required to proceed.

For POS5 & F&B :

1. Login POS 5.0 Backend > Go to Point Of Sale > Maintenance > POS User Group Maintenance

2. Edit the Cashier group, key in a keyword in the textbox and click on Search to find Void and Refund respectively, then uncheck the checkbox of Direct Access Right > OK.

3. Then perform speed sync from your terminal.

When the cashier tries to Void or Refund, supervisor’s password is required to proceed.

By: SengHoong 20200623, Jacky 20200731, P200805 [000081]

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