Pos5/FNB: Disable Earn Bonus point for promotion item

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I have few items on promotion but no bonus point to be earned by members. At POS BACKEND i already ticked 'Disable promotion item to earn bonus point' under Document Control 2 tab, but why members still earning bonus point on these promotion items?

Possible Reason :

You have selected incorrect bonus point calculation option at POS BACKEND.

Solution :

1. Login POS BACKEND > Point Of Sale > Maintenance > Terminal Settings Maintenance

2. Edit your option ID go to Document Control 2 > Select ‘Calculate Bonus Points based on Item Sub Total

3. Click OK to save then perform speed sync from your terminal.

And now , your pos terminal won’t let member earn bonus point for promotion item anymore.

By: SengHoong 20220425, Jacky 20220623, P220627 [000336]

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