Pos: Unable to delete commission from commission maintenance

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: I cannot delete the promoter's commission, system prompts an error “The value of column CommissionID in table PosPromoter does not exist in its master file.” I’m sure that I didn’t create any transaction for this commission plan.

Possible Reason:

The error is due to the commission id is used in POS Promoter setting.


To remove the setting, you need to;

1. Go to Point of Sale > Promoter > Promoter Maintenance,

2. To know which promoter is tied to this commission, right click on detail pane to select Column Chooser. Drag the Commission ID to detail pane.

3. Select Promoter and click on Edit.

4. Press Ctrl + 0 on your keyboard to remove the value in the field of Commission:

5. You will be able to delete the Commission ID now.

By: Azirah 180402, KM 180406, P180409

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