Purchase: Unable to view sub Total for Purchase Transaction

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: I’ve created a new user id for new staff, but he complaint to me when key in purchase transaction, he can’t view the sub total or total GST value of that purchase transaction?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

You have not granted access rights of ‘View Cost/Price’ to new staff, he wouldn’t be able to view the unit price, subtotal and total GST amount in purchase document.


Go to General Maintenance > User Maintenance;

Click on Access Rights;

Click on AutoCount Accounting > System > Behaviors > View Cost/Purchase Price; set the access rights for selected users/group and click on Apply.

User/Group has been successfully added.

The subtotal, GST, total amount will be shown at the bottom of purchase document.

By: CK 180404, KM 180606, P180612

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