Report Design: How to set the decimals point for Unit Price in report design

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : I set the Sales unit price with 3 decimals point but I want the unit price print in Invoice with 2 decimals point only. How to set it?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Answer :

1) Go to Report > Design Document Style Report

2) Select the report and click on Design

3) Please find the field of xrUnitPrice and click on the small box to go into Label Tasks and change the Data Binding from SG_UnitPrice to Unit Price.

4) In the Label Tasks, click on Format String, select Number and select for n2 and click on OK.

Note : If the field name starts with SG such as SG_UnitPrice means that this field is system generated for document style report control option. It does not support any format string.

5) Save as new report and now it shows only 2 decimals for unit price when preview.

By : Ashikin 181112, Lay Swan 181213, P181214

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