SST: How to change SST Purchase tax code posting account

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Question : I found that when I use P-10 tax code, the posting account always follow the transaction account. What can I do if I want it to post the tax amount to SST Expenses account?

Version : 1.9 / 2.0

Answer :

By default, for Purchase tax code, system will use adopt the transaction account number for posting.

If you wish to change, you need to : -

1) Go to Tax > Tax Code Maintenance.

2) Double click the tax code P-10, and uncheck the checkbox of “Use Transaction Account No. for Posting” and assign your Tax Account No. in the field of SST Expenses Account, then click on OK.

3) Because you have already set to use a spcific tax code in the transaction, the following message will be prompted. Click on Yes to confirm the changes and you have to go back to your documents and do repost (make some changes and Save the document).

4) After repost the transaction, the tax amount will be posted to SST Expenses account.

By : Cheryl 181107, Lay Swan 190123, P190123

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