Sales: Difference between can merge only adjacent line and can merge non- adjacent lines

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: What is the difference between can merge only adjacent line and can merge non- adjacent lines?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Can Merge Only Adjacent Lines means the detailed lines will be merged only when the same item code appears in immediate subsequent line(s).

For example: In my invoice details, I have

Line 1: Apple Iphone 5, quantity 20

Line 2: Apple Iphone 5, quantity 5

Line 3: Apple Iphone 6, quantity 1

The item code Apple Iphone 5 will be merged together.

Can merge Non-Adjacent Lines means the detailed lines will be merged even when the same item code does not appear in immediate subsequent line.

The item code Apple Iphone 5 will be merged together even though the same item code is not next to each other.

By: Soh Wee 171208, KM 171212, P171229

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