Sales: How to show Total Quantity in Invoice

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: Report Design - How to show Total Quantity in Invoice?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0


1. Go to Sales > Invoice.

2. Click on Report > Design Document Style Report.

3. Highlight the Invoice format you want to show Total Quantity, and then click on Design.

4. Under Invoice Detail band, look for Quantity field and right click on it, then select Copy.

5. Under Detail Report Group Footer band, right click and then select Paste.

6. Move it to the position aligned with quantity field in Invoice Detail band.

7. Click on the tiny expand icon.

8. Click on the Summary ellipsis button.

9. Select Report and then click on OK.

10. To save the report format, go to File > Save As…

11. Key in the name of this report format, and then click on Save.

12. Now, try to preview / print the new report format you created, the Total Quantity will be show out.

By: P@2013, CY 171120, P171120

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