Troubleshooting:Batch Mail error - 4.3.2 Concurrent connections limit exceeded

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I send batch mail, some of emails failed to send out with error: 4.3.2 Concurrent connections limit exceeded. Why?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

Multiple devices are trying to send email using the same mailbox at the same time and caused concurrent connections exceeded limit.


1) Try again later to send those failed emails.

2) Try to reduce the Auto Count Mail Setting’s Maximum emails to send concurrently (For AutoCount 2.0). May put 1 or 2.

3) Please avoid using the same email address for multiple devices in AutoCount Mail Setting.

By: Christine 220523, Lay Swan 220622, P220627

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