Troubleshooting: Commit SST Processor error – Duplicate Journal Entry No

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I click on commit SST Processor, system prompted error: “Duplicate Journal Entry No.”. Why?

Version: 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason :

When commit SST Processor, system will generate a Journal Entry.
The SST Control Doc No. Format next running number already existed (used) in system. System will not allow duplicated Journal number to be created.

Solution :

You need to change the next running number to a number which has not been used.

1) To check the Journal document format for SST Control Document, go to Tax > Tax Code Maintenance > Configure Malaysia SST.

2) In Configure Malaysia SST, go to SST Option > SST Settings > SST Control Account, from there you can check the SST Control Doc No.Format.
(Note: Default Doc No. Format will be taken if Doc No. Format is left blank)

3) Go to G/L > Journal Entry, sort the Doc.No and look for the last used number for SST JV format, which is SST-JV-001.

4) Now, go to General Maintenance > Document Numbering Format Maintenance, edit the format SST JV.

5) Change the next number to 2, as the last used number is 1 and then click on OK.

6) Now, you should be able to commit the SST.

By: Cit Ta 220613, Lay Swan 220626, P220627

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