Troubleshooting: Duplicated opening balance for a serial number

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When making inquiry of Serial Number transaction, duplicated opening balance appears for a serial number?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

The same serial number has been imported into Item Opening Balance.


It is difficult to examine item opening balance one by one. Checking is easier by using SQL query:

1. Open SQL Management Studio and run the query as below:

select * from SerialNoTrans where FromSerialNo = '0PK013202432' or ToSerialNo='0PK013202432'

2. Retrieve the DtlKey from the query result and run the query as below:

select * from itemopening where Itemopeningkey in('2784791','2784977')

3. Remove one of the duplicated serial numbers from item opening balance. You may find the item serial number by following the seq 5 and 67.

By:KM 170712, 170713; P170801

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