Troubleshooting: Error - Font Verdana does not support style Bold

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : When I click on the menu bar, error prompted: Font Verdana does not support style Bold?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason :

This computer does not have Verdana Bold Italic font style.

Solution :

1) Go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Fonts > double click Verdana.

2) You would need to go to another computer with same path and copy the missing font style Verdana Bold Italic and save to a movable drive.

3) Paste the font style into the font family.

4) Re-login AutoCount, you should be able to access to any menu now.

By : Rotcana 200805, Lay Swan 200823, P200824

Go to menu

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