Troubleshooting: Error on Cash Sales – There is not payment method which have payment type as ‘Cash’

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I click ‘Cash’ during cash sales transaction, error prompted “There is not payment method which have payment type as ‘Cash’.”. Why?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason :

You may have removed the payment type ‘CASH’ or did not define such payment type under the payment method of CASH.

Solution :

Go to General Maintenance > Payment Method Maintenance, edit the Cash payment method and assign the Payment Type as ‘Cash’.

Then you should be able to select the Cash payment in Cash Sales.


‘Cash’ payment will always detect the first payment method with payment type ‘Cash’ in Payment Method Maintenance list. If you have more than one Cash payment method, assign payment type ‘Cash’ only for the preferred payment method.

By: Ella 210414, Lay Swan 210422, P210426

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