Troubleshooting: GST03 – Tax amount appears in Others (Lain-lain) column

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: Amount appears in the box of "Others(Lain-lain)" when I preview Borang GST-03 ?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

MSIC Code is not defined for Sales Account involved in transactions. As a result, the related GST value will be shown in " Others(Lain-lain)".


1. Double click on the amount in Others(Lain-lain), to show a listing of transactions contributed to this amount.

2.Double click on any of the entries to view the details.

3. Right click on any of the column headers in detail section, click on Column Chooser, drag out the column of "Acc. No." and place it onto the area of column headers. Identify and remember the sales account number.

4. Go to G/L > Account Maintenance > select the identified Acc. No., click on Edit Account, key in the MSIC Code for the Sales Account.

After putting the MSIC Code into Sales Account, the amount in Others(lain-lain) will be cleared and appear in its respective MSIC group.

By:Jessica 170616, KM 170717; P170801

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