Troubleshooting: GST Processor error - Cannot load GST Processor Date. The latest GST Processor not committed yet

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I want to process GST processor for latest period, message prompt “Cannot load GST Processor Date. The latest GST Processor not committed yet.”

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

You haven’t done the Commit action for your previous GST Processor. Committed checkbox should be checked if you already committed the GST Processor.


Go to GST Processor and Commit your previous GST Processor.

Note: You should commit the GST Processor once you paid the GST payable to custom / claimed the GST claimable from custom.

Step 1: Go to GST > GST Processor.

Step 2: Select your previous GST Processor record, click on Commit button.

Step 3: Key in your password and then click on OK to continue.

Now, you will be able to process your latest GST Processor without any error.

By: CY 180207, KM 108207, P180207

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