Troubleshooting: Invoice item UOM is PKT, but why when preview it shows PACKET

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : Invoice item UOM is PKT, but why when preview it shows PACKET?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason :

User has keyed in ‘PACKET’ in the field of User UOM and the system report displays User UOM.

Solution(1) :

Change the User UOM to ‘PKT’.

Solution (2) :

If user wants to display UOM instead of User UOM, he needs to modify it in report designer.

1) Go to Sales > Invoice > Report > Design Document Style Report > select your report and click on Design.

2) Find the UOM field from Field list, drag the UOM and place it onto (to replace) User UOM field, click on Save.

3) Try to preview the Invoice again, now its show PKT.

By : Ashikin 190225, Lay Swan 190510, P190513

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