Troubleshooting: Journal not created automatically on transaction involving tax code IM-SVC

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: I’ve created a PV involving tax code IM-SVC, but no journal entry is created automatically?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

Your transaction involving tax code IM-SVC was created in Cash Book, thus journal entry will not be created automatically.


Create Purchase Invoice or AP Invoice, system will generate relevant journal entries automatically.

Go to AP Module, click on A/P Invoice Entry and click on create a new A/P Invoice. Message box will be prompted.

For the 1st option (Imported Service for making Taxable Supply), the following journal entry will be generated.

For the 2nd option (Imported Services for making Non-Taxable Supply), the following journal entry will be generated.

For the 3rd option (imported services for making both supply), the following journal entry will be generated.

Note: This option is only applicable to the cases of GST of Malaysia.

By: CK 171025, KM 171026, P171103

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