Troubleshooting: Same documents no. repeated in Cash Book grid

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: Why there are Payment Voucher numbers repeated in cash book grid?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

This document has two or more payment methods, and you have pull out the Payment Method in the grid.


Remove the affected column (payment method) at cash book if you do not want to see that in the grid. Then click on Refresh.

Now, the PV-00006 shows 1 record only.

You need to right click and select Save Layout to save the new layout.


When the document has more than 1 payment method, and you have pull out any of the following columns, it will show repeating line(s) in the grid.

• Payment Method
• Cheque No
• Bank Charge
• Payment Amount
• Payment by

By: Cit Ta 221103, Lay Swan 221124, P221125

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