Troubleshooting: Set deny report template for AOTG External User error-The custom error module does not recognize this error

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I set deny the report templates for AOTG external user, an error prompted “The custom error module does not recognize this error.”

Possible Reason:

Your current login user access group does not have set report template access permissions.


1) Go to Administration Control Panel > Access Group.

2) Click on “View” icon.

3) Go to tab “General”, click on “Edit”, check the checkbox “Set report template access permissions”, then click on “Save”.

4) Relogin AOTG.

5) Go to Administration Control Panel > Debtor Access Control, and select “Template” icon.

Set the deny template name, and click on Save. Now you should successfully update the deny report templates.

By: Christine 230412, Lay Swan 230425, P230426

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