Troubleshooting: Tax Cash Sale (Tax Invoice) with Multi-Payment report did not show all the payment methods that I saved from Multi Payment
Question: I have keyed in 5 payment methods in multi-payment for this cash sale, but when I preview the Multi-Payment report, it only shows 3 payment types. Why?
Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0
Possible Reason:
The payment summary shown is Payment Type, not Payment Method. But it will show the payment method if that payment method was not assigned with any Payment Type.
You have assigned a same payment type for 2 different payment methods. So, the amount sums up and shown as Payment Type “CASH”.
If you wish to show all payment methods, you need to remove Payment Type for these payment methods.
Go to General Maintenance > Payment Method Maintenance, edit the specific payment method’s payment type into blank.
Now when you preview, the result 5 record, CASH, CREDIT CARD, CHEQUE, CASH AT BANK(USD) and CASH 2.
Note: This action will affect a report called Cash Sales Listing with Payment Type. When a payment method is not assigned with payment type it will be categorized as Others type.
By: Park Yao 220715, Lay Swan 220727, P220728
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