Troubleshooting: Unable to Save AP Deposit – The value of column ForfeitedAccNo in table A/P Deposit does not exist in its master file

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : When I do Forfeit & Refund in A/P Deposit and save, message prompted “The value of column ForfeitedAccNo in table A/P Deposit does not exist in its master file.” Why?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9

Possible Reason :

The A/P Forfeited Account is empty in the Default Accounts setting.

Solution :

1) Create a normal A/P Forfeited Account if you don’t have A/P Forfeited Account in your Account Maintenance.

2) Go back to Tools > Options > G/L > Default Accounts and assign the default account for A/P Forfeited Account.

3) Now you are able to save the forfeit & refund transaction in AP Deposit.

By : Cheryl 190108, Lay Swan 190117, P190123

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