Troubleshooting: Year End error – Supplier IV No. xxxx is already exist. Please enter another value.

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When run year end closing, an error prompted’ Year End error – Supplier IV No. xxxx is already exist. Please enter another value’ What should I do?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible reason:

The Supplier Iv No is duplicated. Whenever there is a same Supplier IV number in different purchase invoices, system will not allow to process year end.


1. To bypass the invoice, need to change the setting at:

1.1 Go to Tools > Options,

1.2 Under Invoicing tab, Select Customize Invoicing 2, then you can see an option “Allow Duplicate Supplier Document Number” on the right panel.

1.3 Check this option and proceed to year end closing.

2. Make sure the Supplier IV No is used once only. Erase the supplier IV no if there is more than 1 purchase invoices using the same Supplier IV No.

By: Azirah 180503, KM 180504, P180522

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