Troubleshooting: Year End error - ARCN record not found

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: I'm doing year end processing for year 2016 account, an error message prompted: ARCN record not found (DocKey=13). What should I do?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

Most probably you have allowed a discount in AR Payment while knocking off an invoice, a CN was then created automatically to record the discount given; and this CN has been somehow deleted, thus, AR Payment couldn't find the related CN.


1. Go to Microsoft SQL Management Studio, run the query as below to clear the linkage between the AR Payment & AR CN.

Step 1: Find out the AR Payment

Select * from ARPayment where ReferCNDocKey = '13'

Step 2: Clear the linkage for AR CN

update arpayment set ReferCNDocKey=NULL, ReferCNDocDate=NULL,ReferCNDocNo=NULL,ReferCNReason=NULL where docno='Doc. Number'

Proceed to perform year end closing after run the above query.

2. Delete the AR Payment and create a new AR Payment if GST have not been processed for that particular month.

Note: Please backup your account book Before doing any update on the query. Contact your dealer if there is any doubt on the query.

By: CK 170815, KM 170815, P170816

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