From AutoCount Resource Center


This module allows you to maintain and use User Defined Fields.

Go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting

Check the checkbox of UDF to enable it.

Login to Management Studio

To use this feature, you have to access to AutoCount Accounting Management Studio.

Go to Start > All Programs > AutoCount Accounting > AutoCount Accounting Management Studio

Select the account book you wish to add UDF, and login as ADMIN (only ADMIN user is allowed to access to this program)

Add/Maintain UDF

Go to Tools > User Defined Field

Highlight to select a table,

For example I have selected Invoice (which means Invoice Master, as opposed to Invoice Detail)

Click on Maintain Fields,

Click on '+' sign to add a UDF,

Name: assign a name to this UDF, e.g. HOBBY, DOB, EDUCATION....

Caption: name of the field to be displayed on the interface.

Type: There are several UDF types available: Text, Decimal, Integer, Date, Boolean, Memo, ImageLink, RichText, System.

Required: check this checkbox to make input compulsory

Unique: check this checkbox to prevent repetitive input value

Type = Text

Text: you may either allow a free text box or maintain a combo box; text is alpha-numeric

Size: maximum length of text box is 4000

List: to adopt a combo box which was maintained by using Edit List.

Edit List: click on this button, click on Add, key in List Name and strings for combo box selection.

(Note: the list can be modified at AutoCount Accounting > General Maintenance > User Defined List Maintenance.)

Then click on OK, Save.

Click on drop down button to select from the list. Then OK.

Type = Decimal

Decimal: number with decimal points.

Precision: number of digits

Scale: number of decimal points.

Type = Integer

Date: means a field to enter date, time, or both.

Date Type: can be either Date, Time or DateTime

Type = Boolean

Boolean: means either true or false

Type = Memo

Memo: means multi-line free text (plain text)

Type = ImageLink

ImageLink: means to store the linking path to a image file.

Type = RichText

RichText: means multi-line free text (rich text)

Type = System

System: means the data will be linked to existing system master file data, such as:

Item Code

Item Group

Item Type

Debtor Code

Creditor Code

Account No, and etc

Copy/Paste UDF

Click on Copy UDF to copy highlighted UDF from this category/table, then you may go to another category/table and click on Paste UDF to paste the UDF.

The Effect

Go to AutoCount Accounting, login to the same account book,

Try to add a new Invoice, right click to customize the layout, the UDF is ready to use.

Note: UDF can be exported from one account book and imported to another account book. (Tools > Import/Export User Defined Field and Scripting)

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AutoCount Accounting 2.0 & 2.1

AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS

AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations