Universal Import Troubleshooting: Unable to import UDF field

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : I have imported Invoice together with detail UDF, but the value of UDF is empty. Why?

Possible Reason :

Incorrect column name for UDF in Excel template.
In the database, this UDF column name is UDF_Remark. But the column name in Excel is different.

Solution (1) :

You need to use the correct column name in Excel.

To check the column name,

1) Go to Universal Import > Setting.

2) Enable Use Column Mapping?, and click on Edit.

3) Scroll to right and look for the tab SalesInvoice. In SalesInvoice tab, look into AutoCount Column Name and find out the column name for UDF, in my example it is UDF_IVDtl_Remark.

4) Close the Column Mapping screen and close the Setting screen, do not need to save.

5) In Excel template, rename the column of UDF to UDF_IVDtl_Remark.

6) Try to import again, UDF value should be successfully imported now.

Solution (2) :

Use Column Mapping function. Key in the column name of Excel to map it with AutoCount Column Name. The system will know the right column to map during data import.

Repeat step 1 – step 3 at Solution (1), then key in the Mapping Column Name, which is your Excel template UDF column name – UDF_Remark, and click on Save.

Then Save the Setting. The Excel template will continue to use UDF_Remark as column name. Try to import again and you should be able to import UDF value.

By : Fatin 200513, Lay Swan 200521, P200522

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