Delivery Return

From AutoCount Resource Center

Delivery Return

Delivery Return is used when goods delivered to customer/debtor (DO issued) is fully or partially returned before Invoice is issued.

This entry will keep the outstanding DO updated (so that accurate invoice can later be issued), and it will update the stock level as well.

To Create New Delivery Return

Go to Sales > Delivery Return

Click on Create A New Delivery Return

You must transfer from existing Delivery Order (that are still outstanding)

Debtor: will be displayed automatically (as per transferred document)

To/Address: the info will be displayed according to selected debtor code.

D/R No: <<New>> means to follow auto-running numbering (maintained at Document Numbering Format Maintenance), and the next possible number is displayed at the top bar of the window. You may click on it to key in any number you like.

Date: system date is automatically captured, you may click to change.

Credit Terms: the default credit terms of this debtor will be displayed.

Sales Agent: assign a sales agent (if any). The default Sales Agent can be assigned in Debtor Maintenance.

Branch: specify the branch of this debtor (if any)

Functional Buttons:

to be save in K.I.V folder to be use later.

to be save as template (Refer Common Function in Transaction).

to delete highlighted row. (Ctrl + Delete)

to undo (Ctrl + Z)

to transfer delivery order to delivery return.

Edit tab:

Undo Master: To undo (reverse one step) the header section.

Apply Address: To apply different debtor/ creditor address which you have maintain in the address maintenance.

Edit MRU Items: to edit /delete historical descriptions (which was keyed in previously). MRU = Most Recently Used

Post to Stock?: If this is unchecked, the stock will be not be affected when issuing the document.

Calculate Discount on Unit Price: To calculate the discount based on unit price.

Rounding Method: There are 2 options for rounding, whole document rounding (ver3) and line by line rounding (ver 2).

Show Selected Price Book Rules: To show price book rules of this item (maintained at Multi-Dimensional Price book).

Item Code: click on '+' sign to add a new row and select an item; you may key in the first few number/letters of the item code/description and select from the lookup screen.

Description: this is called detail description... will capture the item description automatically (amendable)

Further Description: click to view/edit Further Description of this item. (the default content can be maintained at Stock Item Maintenance)

UOM: the default unit of measurement will be captured;

Qty: key in the quantity.

Unit Price: the selling price will be captured (either Standard Selling Price or according to the setting in Tools > Options > Invoicing > Auto Price)

Discount: this is called column discount; you may key in the discount for any particular detail row. The discount could be a value (e.g. 5, 5.5, 10... ), a percentage (e.g. 5%, 5.5%, 10%), or a multi-level discount (e.g. 5+5.5, 5+5%, 5%+5%, 10%+5, 5%+5%+10, .... )

SubTotal: this is the line total (net)

GST Code: to show the GST code.

GST Rate: to show the rate of GST.

GST: to show the amount of GST.

Total (ex): to show the subtotal before tax.

Total (inc): to show the subtotal after tax.

Subtotal (ex): to show the net total amount before tax.

Proceed new D/R: when this is checked, a fresh screen will be ready for new document upon Save; if unchecked will exit the transaction screen upon Save.

Click on Save & Preview,

Print Delivery Return Listing

Click on the shortcut label of Delivery Return or go to Sales > Delivery Return , click on Others menu

Manage Template: Refer Common Function in Transaction.

Load Data Option: to specify the number of recent days when loading data instead of to load all data, so that the loading speed can be further improved. Refer Common Function in Transaction.

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