Non Module: Common Function in Transaction
Common Function in Transaction
The design and layout of all the transaction screens are similar, the following common functions will look really familiar as you go along.
Let's take AP Invoice as example.
From the main page of Home Screen, left click on A/P Invoice icon to show the new AP Invoice screen, right click on icon to show the Invoice listing screen. (Or go to AP > AP Invoice Entry). Click on the small magnifier to search for AP Invoice transaction.
General Functions
General Functions
1. To add new document
2. To edit a selected document.
3. To view a selected document.
4. To call out Find/ Search screen, use multiple search criteria to search for documents, follow by further action.
5. To preview a selected document.
6. To print a selected document.
7. To filter, preview, print document listing reports.
8. To delete a selected document.
9. To refresh the screen.
10. To view the flow chart of the document.
11. Uncheck this checkbox to hide the listing grid on next login.
12. Click on Report will lead you to Report Designer.
13. Click, drag and drop one or more column headers here for grouping purpose.
14. Click to sort the column ascending or descending.
15. Click, drag and drop a column header towards right/left to rearrange the columns.
16. Show number of records and navigator buttons: First, Previous Page, Previous, Next, Nest Page, Last
Column Functions
Right click on any of the column headers, you have more options related to the column(s):
Column Functions
Column Functions
Right click on any of the column headers, you have more options related to the column(s):
Sort Ascending: sort ascending for this column. You may also click on the ascending button on the column header.
Sort Descending: sort descending for this column. You may also click on the descending button on the column header.
Clear Sorting: clear sorting for this column.
Group By This Column: this will place the column header onto grouping bar (dark blue bar above column header), same effect as drag and drop the column header there.
Group By Box: this is to hide/show the grouping bar.
Column Chooser: to show a list of available column headers so that you may drag and add column(s) onto the column headers. To remove a column, just drag and move the column header downwards, release the mouse when a cross sign is displayed.
Best Fit: to set the width best fit the column.
Best Fit (All Columns): to set the width best fit all columns.
Clear Filter: to clear the filter (if any)
Filter Editor: to set filter using filter builder.
Auto Width: to automatically set the column width according to the size of windows
Auto Filter: to automatically set the filter
Expand All: to expand all the records
Collapse All: to collapse all the records
Set Column Caption: to rename the caption of column header
Load Grid Layout: to load (select) from a list of grid layout that were saved earlier.
Reset Grid Layout: to set the grid layout to system default layout
Save Grid Layout: to name and save the current grid layout, you may also set it to be the default grid layout.
Layout Manager: to set default layout, to delete a layout, and to assign different layout to each users.
Export to Excel/PDF/RTF/HTML/Text/XML: to send the current grid contents to Excel/PDF/RTF/HTML/Text/XML files.
Print Grid: to print the current grid contents.
Create/Edit/View Document/Transaction
Create New / Edit / View Document/Transaction
Functional Buttons:
to be save in K.I.V folder to be use later.
to be save as template. (Refer Template)
to be save as recurrence. (Refer recurrence)
to add / insert a detail row. (Insert)
to insert a detail row before the highlighted row. (Ctrl + Insert)
to delete highlighted row. (Ctrl + Delete)
to move the detail row up/down. (Alt + Shift + Up/Down)
to select all detail rows (Ctrl + Alt + A), so that it can be deleted or modified in one shot (using Range Set)
range set (F12)... a range setting windows will be prompted. This is usually used to apply changes to several/all selected detail rows.
to set the GST date of the document.
to add a subtotal row, showing the subtotal amount.
to add a discount row, and for you to define the group discount by define the percentage % or Value.
to change the unit price for the item.
to prompt the item search screen (F9). Type a keyword, select search criteria, click on Search. From the search result, check the check-boxes to select items to be included into the document, then click on OK.
click on this button will display (at bottom section) instant information related to the highlighted item, such as Price History, Stock Balance ...
to copy an invoice which previously already save.
to copy existing invoice to a new invoice.
to transfer quotation to invoice.
to transfer quotation to invoice.
to transfer consignment to invoice.
to transfer consignment to invoice.
to check the invoice which have already been transferred.
Edit tab:
Copy Whole Document: To copy the whole document to clipboard.
Copy Selected Details: To copy some item details to clipboard. (press ctrl+ highlight the item to copy)
Copy as spreadsheet: To copy the item details and paste into spreadsheet.
Paste Whole Document: To paste the whole document from the clipboard.
Paste Item Detail Only: To paste some item details from clipboard.
Undo Master: To undo (reverse one step) the header section.
Apply Address: To apply different debtor/ creditor address which you have maintain in the address maintenance.
Can Transfer: If this is unchecked, this document will not be allowed to transfer to others document.
Edit MRU Items: to edit /delete historical descriptions (which was keyed in previously). MRU = Most Recently Used
New Payment: System will auto generate official receipt to knock off with the invoice.
Post To GL?: If this is unchecked, AR invoice will not be posted automatically (related to G/L). You can go to others post to G/L to post it manually later.
Post to Stock?: If this is unchecked, the stock will be not be affected when issuing the document.
Post Reallocate Purchase By Project?: To allocate the purchase cost by project.
Calculate Discount on Unit Price: To calculate the discount based on unit price.
Rounding Method: There are 2 options for rounding, whole document rounding (ver3) and line by line rounding (ver 2).
Refresh Account No: This is to refresh the account no to the default account.
Profit Calculator: To show the profit margin of the item.
Show Selected Price Book Rules: To show price book rules of this item (maintained at Multi-Dimensional Price book).
Data Entry by Past Sales Records: This is used to create a new document by referring to what were sold in the past to a particular customer. See also Data Entry by Past Records.
Show Tax Summary: To show the summary of the tax.
Menu Bar - Transfer Document
Click on Transfer Document to transfer transaction from related documents (Full Document Transfer or Partial Item Transfer). You may also check the transferred status of this document.
The transfer can be either Full Document Transfer or Partial Item Transfer. For example, click on Create A New Invoice, select Debtor, click on Transfer Document > Transfer From Quotation,
Full Document Transfer: click on this tab, the documents available for transfer will be listed, you may check the documents to be transferred.
Full Transfer Options: select the transfer option.
Copy Full Details: to transfer all the details into Invoice.
One Document Into One Item: to lump all the details of each document (in this case: each Quotation) and show as one item (one row for each document) in Invoice detail; the quotation number will be shown as the item description in Invoice detail.
All Document Into One Item: to lump all the details of selected documents (in this case: all Quotations) and show as one item (one row) in Invoice detail; the quotation numbers will be shown in Further Description column in Invoice detail.
Partial Item Transfer: click on this tab, the outstanding items available for transfer will be listed, you may check the item rows and key in the quantity to transfer.
Check All: to select all the item rows
Uncheck All: to uncheck all the selected item rows
Filter On This Debtor: (if debtor code was left blank on the document) highlight the debtor code of any item row, click on this button will filter and list only item rows related to the same debtor.
Filter On This Doc No.: highlight the document number of any item row, click on this button will filter and list only item rows related to the same document number.
Transfer Document Information: to copy all information such as More Header, External Link, Note.... from source document
Merge Detail Item: to merge same item details from different document number
Void Document
Void Document
Click on View, observe the action button on the top other than Preview, Print, Edit and Delete, here you may Void Document. The void is same function as cancel in 1.8. The void document can be 'Un-void' later.
For GL/AR/AP Transaction
For G/L, A/R and A/P Transaction
On the Create New / Edit transaction screen, click on View, you may View Posting Details (showing the complete double entries) of the selected document.
Drag and Paste
Drag and Paste
You may click on the header area of a Sales/Purchase document, and then drag and drop (to paste) onto a new blank Sales/Purchase document.
Menu Bar - Payment
For a saved invoice, you may directly add a payment entry here. (this feature is available for Sales Invoice and Purchase Invoice only).
Menu Bar – Others
Manage Template
Manage Template allows user to pre-set Master and Detail Data such as Debtor and item details for Sales and Purchase only. This is to help to improve work efficiency as user don’t need to rekey in or reselect from blank transaction.
Rename the template name then click ok.
Next time when you create a new transaction, the system will prompt you to select from the template.
Manage Recurrence (Refer to module topic Recurrence)
Load Data Option
Load Data Option allows user to list out only recent documents by specifying number of recent days at Sales/Purchases document listing windows. (Others > Load Data Option)... , this can improve the loading speed by loading just a small number of documents instead of loading all documents created long time ago.
Check the checkbox of Load Last ? days of data.... by specifying the number of recent days. ...
Post To G/L: to manually post the entries to G/L
This feature is only useful to those that do not want to post their transactions automatically to GL. The option can be found at Tools -->Options --> Document Control 2--> Always Post To G/L
Post To G/L Steps:
Step 1: Create a new transaction. Eg. Sales Invoice.
Step 2: Go to Others --> Post To G/L
Step 3: There show a list of transactions that not yet post to G/L.
Step 4: Check to select the entry and click Post To G/L.
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS
AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations