Others: How to turn off the ‘Back Up?’ message when exit application

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : System always prompted ‘Back Up?’ message when I click on close button on top right of Top menu. How to turn off this message since I’ve set daily auto backup to my computer and Pendrive as well.

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Answer :

You may check the checkbox of ‘Do not prompt this window in the future’ and click on Exit Anyway.

Or you may go to Tools > Options > General, uncheck the option Always prompt Back Up when exit application and click on OK.

Now when you exit, just click on Yes to confirm exit the application.

You may also exit the application through File > Exit and Logout.

Note : It is advisable to do daily backup or you may set daily Auto Backup in Server, not only to computer harddrive, but also pendrive/External hard disk as well.

Please refer to the following link for How to set Auto Backup

Others: How to setup Auto Backup?

By : Lay Swan 190109, P190110

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