Pos3/Pos5/FNB: POS How to export weighing scale data?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

Can AutoCount export weighing scale data?

Solution :


First of all, make sure that the Item Code & Barcode are set correctly.

1. Item Code & Barcode should follow the format of scale barcode control. (more info: https://wiki.autocountsoft.com/wiki/Pos:_How_to_Enable_Scale_Barcode_in_POS_System)

2. Barcode must be enabled for all related UOM Item Code.

3. Preferably to create an Item Group or Item Type for this kind of items, this action will make it easier to export by just selecting the Item Group or Item Type.

For POS 3.0/3.1/5.0 :

Login POS > More Function > Configuration Setting > Miscellaneous > Export To Weighing Scale

For F&B :

Login POS > More Function > Setting > Configuration Setting > Miscellaneous > Export To Weighing Scale

Filter* > Inquiry > select all (press Ctrl + A) > Range Set > tick Unit Weight > select 4 = KG** > Apply

*Filter Option
You can filter by range or multi select the Item, Group or Type.
Flat digit is your scale device starting number.
** refers to the UOM of scale device (for mini market normally is KG)

Check you result > Export > Yes (open in Excel file)


By: CK 200917, Jacky 200922, Peter 200928 [000102]

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