Pos: Preview POS report error: Access denied! Please tick Access Backend at POS User Maintenance first
Question: When I preview report in POS Front end, system always prompts me an error ‘Access denied! Please tick Access Backend at POS User Maintenance first.’ How can I view the report?
Possible Reason:
POS user does not have access rights to access backend. System does not allow user to view any report in POS Front end.
To set the access rights, go to Point of Sale > Maintenance > POS User Maintenance
Select user ID > Edit
Please check the checkbox ‘Access BackEnd’ and at BackEnd User ID: click on button.
After selecting AutoCount backend user ID, fill in user password and click on OK.
Login into POS and you can view any report now.
By:CK 171226, KM 171226, P171229
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS
AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations