
From AutoCount Resource Center
Revision as of 08:38, 13 April 2022 by DanielY (talk | contribs)

AutoCount Resource Center

AutoCount Accounting API Update - 13/4/2022
  1. Runtime error when use "MultiPricing" column in the object of documents, such as Invoice.
    The new column name is "MultiPrice".
  2. Credit Limit Control and Overdue Limit Control will not invoke credit control events, if the document does not violate the limit.
    Credit Control Event from this release can be used only when programmer wishes to override system rules if the document has hit limit control.
    View topic on how to override limit control.
  3. CEF components (version 99.2.14)
    Plug-in project that has implemented CEF components and for Singapore users, suggest to use CEF version 99.2.14 to prevent version conflict which this version is used in Seamless Filing and IRAS GST F5 Returns.
    Furthermore, plug-in builder does not have to include the CEF components in the plug-in package.
    You may use this API to check if the component is installed for AutoCount Accounting, else it will download the component.
   //Requires AutoCount Accounting to implement "LoadCefComponent()"
   if (!AutoCount.Components.Components.LoadCefComponent())
       //Exit or throw exception if load/download CEF component failed.
       return false;
More Programmer Notice and Update

AutoCount Accounting API (.Net Framework)
Plug-In, Integrate...

    Connect and Integrate with AutoCount Accounting

  1. API: Master Data

  2. API: Transactions & Documents

  3. API: Bonus Point (Member Point)

  4. Reporting - Member List and Point Balance - [1.8, 1.9] [2.0]
General Knowledge
Some source code syntax in this document requires Development Tool that supports C# 6.0
All materials and coding you may find at wiki AutoCount for programmer is for education and conceptual purposes.

Programmer may use them as study reference, but be cautious when apply sample and training coding in actual project.
Without throughout understanding of the piece of code, it may result to confusion in the project.
When a programmer uses any piece of code from others in the project, the programmer is liable to the code.

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