
From AutoCount Resource Center
Revision as of 04:46, 30 December 2020 by DanielY (talk | contribs)

AutoCount Resource Center

AutoCount Accounting - 30/12/2020
Plug-In is required to specify the Developer Company's email at the constructor of the Plug-In.
The purpose is to allow the developer to be informed of the exception that was thrown from the plug-in.

AutoCount Accounting API (.Net Framework)
Plug-In, Integrate...

    Connect and Integrate with AutoCount Accounting

  1. API: Master Data

  2. API: Transactions & Documents

  3. API: Bonus Point (Member Point)

  4. Reporting - Member List and Point Balance - [1.8, 1.9] [2.0]
Web Integration Gateway
  1. Introduction to AOTG API - (20 Feb 2019)
  2. Begin AutoCount Accounting Integration via AOTG API - (25 Feb 2019)
  3. AOTG API Authenticate (Get AccessToken) - (26 Feb 2019)


  4. AOTG API Result method's response status - (10 Nov 2020)
  5. AOTG API Result Status is always '''InQueue''' - (19 May 2021)
  6. AOTG API Error Message

    AOTG API Methods Flow Samples

General Knowledge
Some source code syntax in this document requires Development Tool that supports C# 6.0
All materials and coding you may find at wiki AutoCount for programmer is for education and conceptual purposes.

Programmer may use them as study reference, but be cautious when apply sample and training coding in actual project.
Without throughout understanding of the piece of code, it may result to confusion in the project.
When a programmer uses any piece of code from others in the project, the programmer is liable to the code.

Download and Resources

Programmer Download and Links
Programmer Download and Links to External Resources

Past Notice

AutoCount Accounting 2.0

Plug-In Builder is released for AutoCount Accounting and higher
Version plug-in builder can be used to build earlier version of AutoCount Accounting 2.0 plug-in.
Separate installed folder is not required.
Click here to go to download page
AutoCount Accounting
Plug-In is required to specify the DevExpress supported for this plug-in at the constructor of the Plug-In.
AutoCount Accounting
This release requires DevExpress 19.2.7, which you may find the installer on Download page.
AutoCount Accounting has major API update in GL/AR/AP.

DLL added:
DLL removed:

Remove of AutoCount.CommonAccounting.dll does not implicate that classes that were in AutoCount.CommonAccounting.dll are removed.
To better organize the naming, UI and logic, system engineer and analyst have rearranged and split them into two libraries.

AutoCount Accounting is released to compliant with GST 0% SR
There is no major changes in API compatibility for project uses API
But, do rebuild with assemblies to confirm the compatibility.

AutoCount Accounting 1.9

Upgrade from AutoCount Accounting 1.8 to 1.9 requires a special license key.

However, if create a new account book in AutoCount Accounting 1.9.6 and higher version,
you will be able to use the account book for development & testing without requirement of License Key.

AutoCount Accounting 1.9 is compatible with AutoCount Accounting 1.8.

Some coding may require minor update, due to earlier version of 1.8 has some differences in method call.
Such as SubProjectStartup parameter has been updated since version 1.8.30.
Click here to see the changed in SubProjectStartup method.


This document does not allow to save, because it contains accrual and payment basis tax code
When you see the message prompted similar to the title,
this is to accommodate the new SST calculation of Sale Tax and Service Tax,
which Sale Tax is on "Accrual Basis", while Service Tax is on "Payment Basis".

  • Accrual Basis is defined as, Sales Tax is payable when the invoice is created.
  • Whereas, Payment Basis is after payment is received from customers for Service Tax.
    However, if the payment is not received after 12 months,
    it becomes payable regardless of whether the payment is received.

The difference between the two methods is the timing to recognize Payment Basis as Tax is deffered until
payment is received, or 12 months period.

Therefore for AutoCount Accounting to recognize these two occurrence whether it is payable tax,
separating them to two documents can clearly differentiate them in the finance and tax report.

Posted on 6 Sep 2018