Category:AutoCount Pos 5.0/FnB 5.0 Shared FAQ Troubleshoot

Revision as of 06:09, 30 November 2021 by PeterT (talk | contribs) (→‎Maintenance)

Data Entry

  1. No Show Unit Price Column at Purchase
  2. Outlet stock item list is not same
  3. When I scan item the system goes directly to payment
  4. Credit Sales Payment Error
  5. Error with duplicated Barcode or Alternate Code
  6. Frontend Backorder Control Not Functioning
  7. Decimal is not showing 2 when i have set it 2
  8. Check Stock Level Show Nothing
  9. Return quantity more than sell quantity
  10. Close Counter Report Amount not same with other report
  11. Microsoft .NET Framework error after made payment
  12. Debtor not follow Debtor's price
  13. Only can Void Today Transaction
  14. Stock Transfer - No report found
  15. Service type status not shown when order item
  16. Duplicate Barcode for itemcode
  17. Line Printed, cannot set discount on this line
  18. Can’t Override Discount Limit
  19. Cash Payment Method is not set
  20. Promotion item cannot change unit price
  21. Why is my credit card type is blank even though i have maintained credit card type
  22. Item Price does not follow member price plan
  23. Unable to key in decimal places for bonus point payment
  24. Why can’t I select new member type at POS Front End even though I have added new member type at POS Back End


  1. Version not match issue during sync
  2. POS Client Notifier still show error message even though service status shows running?
  3. When perform synchronization, system will show error message "Column 'Modifier' not belongs to posdtl"?
  4. Show services has been marked for deletion
  5. Service Bus Issue
  6. Could not locate new location from frontend
  7. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value
  8. Sync Issue - Sync Port put wrong
  9. When click on Configure Terminal, an error is prompted
  10. Sync Error - Cannot set column ‘ItemGroup’. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column
  11. The Password did not match
  12. Error message when reset terminal pc at POS Server Monitor?

POS Posting

  1. POS Posting Error – ‘Deposit Acc is not set’
  2. POS Posting Error – ‘Duplicate Journal Entry No’
  3. Why is my Sale Account not showing POS Sales Amount
  4. Line 1 Invalid Account No, Posting Error
  5. After deleted POS Posting inquiry shows no records?
  6. Posting Error - ARInvoice AccNo is empty
  7. Nothing come out when I click on New Posting at POS Posting
  8. Pos posting error - Line 2: Invalid Account No
  9. Duplicate Cash Book Entry No during pos posting
  10. Missing POS Posting tab under Location Maintenance

Login Failed

  1. Pos Login Failed - plugin issue
  2. Login Failed sa password
  3. Login POS Frontend system Show Failed, incorrect password
  4. Could not Login to POS Backend with Error fail to connect AutoCount Server Service
  5. Could not login POS Frontend
  6. Open POS, F&B error, dotNet Issue


  1. When click on Hardware Info, system will pop up error message “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application”
  2. When click on License Control, system will pop up error message “ System.TypeInitializationException…”
  3. When configure Front End terminal, system will pop up error message “The type initiaiizer for ‘AutoCount.POS.SecurityUtils…”
  4. When active License get error of Hardware Session ID not match
  5. License Control Error System.IO.IOExeption
  6. License Status become Stale State how to fix?
  7. Activate Pos Backend Error using dongle
  8. Sync monitor profile services unable to start
  9. Auto Sync Notifier unable to start


  1. Error when save Design Fast Selection Menu Details
  2. Why is Menu Button rolled back to default sequence?
  3. Why is my promotion item not working when sell quantity is less than 1?
  4. Why is the selling price markup % not automatically calculated?
  5. Change Credit Card ID prompt error
  6. When change Item Group, item Price also changed?
  7. Delete Location Error
  8. Unable to find POS Option Maintenance at POS Backend after updated to new version
  9. Price did not update
  10. Authorize code prompts
  11. Column reset every time open POS
  12. New member type missing even after full sync
  13. Promotion Maintenance show duplicate item when save
  14. Custom Payment Method Missing
  15. Remote HQ failed to login
  16. Can't View Picture in Fast selection Menu
  17. Error message prompted during Cash Computation
  18. Configuration setting error message
  19. Purge POS Transaction shows no data
  20. After migrated from POS 3 to POS 5, POS options does not work
  21. POS Backend options are not be set
  22. Different Outstanding Document Numbering When Create AR Payment in POS
  23. "Please configure HQ Database information first." prompted when click on Remote HQ Function
  24. There is no data for PosCashSeries table. You must go to pos option to maintain PosCashSeries table.
  25. POS Sales are not shown in Price History Settings
  26. Enable minimum selling price issue
  27. Cash computation missing some bank notes amount
  28. Unable to delete commission from commission maintenance
  29. Why is the system rounding up decimal point value at point payment even though bonus point adjustment rounding method is disabled


  1. Inquiry POS report error Value was either too large or too small for lnt32
  2. Some of sales items are missing when view POS Sales Report
  3. Item numbering not appeared in Receipt
  4. Multi filters option causes some items not displayed
  5. Price decimal in barcode sticker
  6. "No report found." When I preview report in POS


  1. Printer Unable to Print Summary Counter Receipt
  2. Export Price to Weighting Scale = Weight Class
  3. Why can’t I turn on Hamachi VPN?
  4. I have already set photo and video link for LCD Customer Display screen but still not showing?
  5. Reprint receipt always printed from other printer?
  6. Creating New Receipt & Payment Voucher is very slow?
  7. Import data in Bonus Point Adjustment Error
  8. Stock Item Listing Qty does not match with other stock reports
  9. Sales submission error
  10. Application error during eDashBoard registration
  11. Migrate database to POS 5/F&B error 'Invalid database...'
  12. Error 1001 on re-installation
  13. Why is my eDashboard transaction sync status keep show pending

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