Category:AutoCount Pos 5.0/FnB 5.0 Shared FAQ Troubleshoot
Data Entry
- No Show Unit Price Column at Purchase
- Outlet stock item list is not same
- When I scan item the system goes directly to payment
- Credit Sales Payment Error
- Error with duplicated Barcode or Alternate Code
- Frontend Backorder Control Not Functioning
- Decimal is not showing 2 when i have set it 2
- Check Stock Level Show Nothing
- Return quantity more than sell quantity
- Close Counter Report Amount not same with other report
- Microsoft .NET Framework error after made payment
- Debtor not follow Debtor's price
- Only can Void Today Transaction
- Stock Transfer - No report found
- Service type status not shown when order item
- Duplicate Barcode for itemcode
- Line Printed, cannot set discount on this line
- Can’t Override Discount Limit
- Cash Payment Method is not set
- Promotion item cannot change unit price
- Why is my credit card type is blank even though i have maintained credit card type
- Item Price does not follow member price plan
- Unable to key in decimal places for bonus point payment
- Why can’t I select new member type at POS Front End even though I have added new member type at POS Back End
- Why user can make payment by point payment even though transaction amount is more than available point?
- Item able to sell below min selling price after discount
- Item code not found but F1 search is there
- Rounding display at FE issue
- E-Wallet payment Error Code: Payment not allowed?
- Refund with vouchers prompt warning
- Cash In & Cash out error
- Scan item code will prompt key in price even though auto prompt is inactive?
- Point Payment issue
- How to enable feature of return earned point when return item?
- Pos Frontend Why keep charging SST6 even I have specified each item its own tax code?
- Hotkey or Syntax Formula on enter Barcode
- When click refresh E-Invoice Monitor there is an error prompt “Company or api invalid”
- Version not match issue during sync
- POS Client Notifier still show error message even though service status shows running?
- When perform synchronization, system will show error message "Column 'Modifier' not belongs to posdtl"?
- Show services has been marked for deletion
- Service Bus Issue
- Could not locate new location from frontend
- Unexpected character encountered while parsing value
- Sync Issue - Sync Port put wrong
- When click on Configure Terminal, an error is prompted
- Sync Error - Cannot set column ‘ItemGroup’. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column
- The Password did not match
- Error message when reset terminal pc at POS Server Monitor?
- Sync Error because the ‘PRIMARY’ filegroup is full
- Sync Error 'PaymentAmt Outstanding in docno'
- When sync stuck at sync member and error message occurred (... No type was found that matches the controller named “GetMemberCount”
- Why I unable to see updated transaction even though sync is successful?
- Why POS Server Monitor Sync Profile services keep stopped?
- Sync Error POS Session
- Sync stuck at Report and then prompt out primary key error
- Synchronizer Error: HQ POS Sync Product ID (Unregistered)…
- Sync Issue POS Terminal Member Type
- Sync Error Message status still showing error even though all my pos transaction had been updated to HQ Server?
- Unable to select terminal id after assigned location
- Sync error Debtor Address Maxlength limit
- Sync error POSCashRecord Session
- Sync error PosEventLog UserID
- Sync error column Description hit MaxLength limit
- Sync error PosEventLog TerminalID
- When perform sync, system keeps prompt up: POSPayment record not found
- Sync Error Array dimensions exceeded supported range
- Sync keep prompting PosPayment record not found?
- Sync error PosDocNoFormat TerminalID
- Sync error PosStaffAttendance UserID
- Sync error Primary Key Error (UOM Conversion)
- After add New Fiscal Year, Why Synchronizer Error?
- Cant sync back PosPayment VCType
- Sync error Transaction IPHIST Member No.
- Sync error PosSession UserID / Checkout User ID
- Sync error UDF Column names in each table must be unique
POS Posting
- POS Posting Error – ‘Deposit Acc is not set’
- POS Posting Error – ‘Duplicate Journal Entry No’
- Why is my Sale Account not showing POS Sales Amount
- Line 1 Invalid Account No, Posting Error
- After deleted POS Posting inquiry shows no records?
- Posting Error - ARInvoice AccNo is empty
- Nothing come out when I click on New Posting at POS Posting
- Pos posting error - Line 2: Invalid Account No
- Duplicate Cash Book Entry No during pos posting
- Missing POS Posting tab under Location Maintenance
- Point Payment Method is not set
- Delete POS Posting error DB concurrency violation
- For POS posting, why is credit card bank charges account code different from what I have assigned?
- Posting Error TaxBrNo
- Posting Error - PaymentMethod, CBDate, PaymentNo,InclusiveTax, TaxDocNo
- Posting Separate Number not works
- Posting error show accrual and payment basis tax code issue
- Pos Posting Error - Duplicate Posting Number
- When perform POS posting it shows multiple sales accounts instead of one combined sales account?
- I clicked on Cash Button at POS AR Payment, but the payment method shows bank account instead of cash account?
Login Failed
- Pos Login Failed - plugin issue
- Login Failed sa password
- Login POS Frontend system Show Failed, incorrect password
- Could not Login to POS Backend with Error fail to connect AutoCount Server Service
- Could not login POS Frontend
- Open POS, F&B error, dotNet Issue
- POS BACKEND open error
- Error when launching Backend
- Why does system keep prompt to create database whenever I launch the Backend?
- When click on Hardware Info, system will pop up error message “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application”
- When click on License Control, system will pop up error message “ System.TypeInitializationException…”
- When configure Front End terminal, system will pop up error message “The type initiaiizer for ‘AutoCount.POS.SecurityUtils…”
- When active License get error of Hardware Session ID not match
- License Control Error System.IO.IOExeption
- License Status become Stale State how to fix?
- Activate Pos Backend Error using dongle
- Sync monitor profile services unable to start
- Auto Sync Notifier unable to start
- Error: System found don’t have POS Item Batch module
- Import Itemcode Error - Multi UOM
- Login to POS Backend with Error Fail to connect AutoCount Server Service
- Register License prompted Same device can only maintain 1 temp product ID
- Unable register account book at Autocount server
- Could not insert license to Frontend POS/FnB?
- Error when save Design Fast Selection Menu Details
- Why is Menu Button rolled back to default sequence?
- Why is my promotion item not working when sell quantity is less than 1?
- Why is the selling price markup % not automatically calculated?
- Change Credit Card ID prompt error
- When change Item Group, item Price also changed?
- Delete Location Error
- Unable to find POS Option Maintenance at POS Backend after updated to new version
- Price did not update
- Authorize code prompts
- Column reset every time open POS
- New member type missing even after full sync
- Promotion Maintenance show duplicate item when save
- Custom Payment Method Missing
- Remote HQ failed to login
- Can't View Picture in Fast selection Menu
- Error message prompted during Cash Computation
- Configuration setting error message
- Purge POS Transaction shows no data
- After migrated from POS 3 to POS 5, POS options does not work
- POS Backend options are not be set
- Different Outstanding Document Numbering When Create AR Payment in POS
- "Please configure HQ Database information first." prompted when click on Remote HQ Function
- There is no data for PosCashSeries table. You must go to pos option to maintain PosCashSeries table.
- POS Sales are not shown in Price History Settings
- Enable minimum selling price issue
- Cash computation missing some bank notes amount
- Unable to delete commission from commission maintenance
- Why is the system rounding up decimal point value at point payment even though bonus point adjustment rounding method is disabled
- Menu design did not load items related to Group/Type
- Why I had set company details in company profile, but for Cash In & Out slip still showing other company details?
- Why system still allow to pass exceed maximum discount limit even though I had set the maximum discount for user group
- When select Member the item price is changed?
- Why promotion item discount is not working when purchase quantity is less than 1?
- Edit POS transaction from Backend
- Stock Item Maintenance only show 1 location up to date cost
- Disable Earn Bonus point for promotion item
- Ewallet payment error
- Unable to change location code
- Item Batch did not show item batch no
- Stock Adjustment location issue
- Internet User login Error
- Unable to change Promoter ID
- Why can’t members trigger promotion price?
- Enter Password Open Cash Drawer
- Failed to Send Test Email for Gmail SMTP server in Pos Terminal settings?
- Error when click ‘+’ for new Member No.
- After payment there is an error prompt “Failed to open port:”
- Save Configuration Setting error. Access to the path is denied
- Inquiry POS report error Value was either too large or too small for lnt32
- Some of sales items are missing when view POS Sales Report
- Item numbering not appeared in Receipt
- Multi filters option causes some items not displayed
- Price decimal in barcode sticker
- "No report found." When I preview report in POS
- Promoter Sales Analysis Report: Promoter ID shown in wrong outlet
- When preview daily sales report for November, some transaction amount fall on 31st November?
- Stock Balance Qty is 0 but it still has Cost Value?
- Why is the amount in Ledger Sales Account not the same as POS Posting payment
- Why is the final total in Pos Transaction Viewer not the same as Daily Sales Report?
- Report design does not contain company info
- When click refresh E-Invoice Monitor there is an error prompt “Company or api invalid”
- When direct submit E-Invoive failed with TIN ownership error message.
- Error Submit EInvoice. AIP Company ID not found
- Printer Unable to Print Summary Counter Receipt
- Export Price to Weighting Scale = Weight Class
- Why can’t I turn on Hamachi VPN?
- I have already set photo and video link for LCD Customer Display screen but still not showing?
- Reprint receipt always printed from other printer?
- Creating New Receipt & Payment Voucher is very slow?
- Import data in Bonus Point Adjustment Error
- Stock Item Listing Qty does not match with other stock reports
- Sales submission error
- Application error during eDashBoard registration
- Migrate database to POS 5/F&B error 'Invalid database...'
- Error 1001 on re-installation
- Why is my eDashboard transaction sync status keep show pending
- Why is there a Decimal value after Auto UOM Conversion
- SQL services unable to start
- Autocount Server services unable to start due to default port 19500 has been used by other program?
- Receipt shows abnormal contents
- Script password during upgrade 1.9 to 5.0
- When connected to android price checker, system shows network error message
- When connected to android price checker, system shows timeout error message
- eDashBoard login screen error ‘The login isn’t the user of the Database’
- POS Second Display could not play video link
- When print receipt, system prompt “Access to the printer is denied.”
- Printer print receipt issue
- POS installation error
- Why does system still prompt (Please enter amount) even though I have enter a valid voucher?
- Upgrade 5.0 to 5.1 posterminalplugin error message
- Login License error Value cannot be null
- Backend eDashboard login error
- Sync Error - System Out Of Memory Exception
- License Control Error - Processor and Ram Missing
- Pos integration - The remote server returned an error
- Edashboard login issue
- Install SQL server failed, and database engine failed to start?
- Second Display Unable to play video
- When run POS Sync Monitor program, system will pop up error message
- Item not calculate SST amount
- 1st time setup EDashBoard but transaction does not sync?
- Restore Conf. Setting button
- Error launch SQL Configuration Manager Invalid Class 0x80041010
- Why is cash drawer ejected when print order slip or hold bill?
- Insert license error Product ID is used by dongle
- Login or Logout EDashBoard error Not found
- POS5/FNB window resolution issue
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS
AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations
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